Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Happy Superman Returns Day! (A Day Early)

This is a super-special edition (no pun intended) of my little corner of the Information Superhighway (ok, maybe a *little* pun intended).

Ever since I saw Lois and Clark with Dean Cain and that smoldering hot woman from Desperate Housewives, I was a Superman fan.

Tonight, 19 years after the last Superman movie with Christopher Reeves, after 3 script re-writes, 3 different directors, Nicholas Cage's influence on the Superman world, the director of X-Men bailing out of X-3 to direct this movie, and casting a man who's "package" was the cause of much concern, Superman Returns!

After watching all the trailers, the 2-minute free download from iTunes, and generally being a massive Smallville fan, I have to say that tonight had better be the culmination of a whole Summer's worth of entertainment, because quite frankly, the movie world this summer has been less than fulfilling.

The movie doesn't open technically until Wednesday. We have 10 o'clock tickets for tonight. 3 hours and counting...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

She's Officially A Girl

Everyone say hello again to Ms. Ava Claire Thomas-Baldwin, 6 months and 1lb 13oz. Well on her way to joining us here in the air. A quick check again, and she's definitely female.

I'm going to end up hitting someone with a baseball bat in my lifetime.

I'm looking forward to it. No. Really.

Monday, June 19, 2006

How to Fileshare between Two Windows XP Pro Computers

Make sure they are both hooked up to the router. No-duh, I know, but let's keep it simple for the simpletons.

First, the computer you have the data on:

1. Right-click on My Computer.

2. Click on Properties.

3. Click on Computer Name tab.

4. Write that down to be remembered.

5. Close this window.

6. Find the folder that contains what you want to share with the other computer.

7. Right click on that folder and scroll down to 'Sharing and Security...'.

8. Put a bullet in 'Share this folder'.

9. Whatever is put in for 'Share name' by default should work OK. Remember this.

10. Click on Apply, then OK.

11. You now have that folder shared out from that machine.

Now, move to the computer you want to move the files over to:

1. Remember that Computer Name tab? You'll need that here.

2. Click on Start->Run, then \\ (yes, two left-leaning slashes in front of the computer name.)

3. This should pop up one of two things. Either a window that shows you a bunch of file shares, including one with the name of the folder you shared out, or will ask you for a username and a password. If you log into your computer with a username and password, you will want to use the same here.

4. This should show you a window now with the folder name that you shared out previously. Double-clicking this will get you to the files you want to grab.

5. Right-click on the folder and click on 'Map drive' or something to that effect.

6. Now you'll get to choose what drive you want to make the share. I generally map shares in a reverse order, starting with the Z: drive and going backwards. Once this is mapped, it will automatically pop another window open.

7. Now you have a drive on your system called the Z:\ which is the folder on the other system. You'll be able to copy and paste files back and forth like it was a drive on your computer.

8. Drag-and-drop, copy-and-paste, whatever you want to do to copy them over from the old machine to the new.

You know how to get ahold of me if there's any question.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

2nd Father's Day Card

This was a very pleasant surprise. Of all the people I expected to get Father-to-be cards from, Jon wasn't exactly high on my list. I'm very pleasantly shocked and honored that he'd think about that. That, and I'm a bit of a sucker for Winnie The Pooh stuff, so he hit it spot-on. When it comes to kids' stuff, Winnie the Pooh is the end all winner for me. Sesame Street follows a close second. =)

I'm off to go hang out with Pops for a while. Time to smoke his arse in some billiards.

... anyone who knows my Dad would be laughing out loud at this point in the reading...

Happy Father's Day

It's my day to brag a little. Got this this morning from the little lady and thought you all would appreciate a look.

Happy Father's Day to all those out there that are or are going to be. It's a different world, that's for sure.

Now, off to see Erin's Dad for a little while, then hang with mine this evening.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tool - 10,000 Secrets to The Artwork

For the Tool fans out there:

There is supposedly thousands of secrets within the album cover and the album music itsself. See this site: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35677.

That being said, once you read this thread, come back here and download this: Wings For Marie (10,000 Secrets Mix) . From that, you can judge for yourself.

(There's a pop in the middle where the two songs are fused together. I thought about editing it out, but I figured I'd put the two together exactly as they say. I didn't want to change anything about it as to vary the experience. Subjective, but when I did try, the songs seem to get out of sync. As it sits now, I think it works with little interruption. YMMV)

Edited: Here's the edited version. I spent a little bit of time trying to get a good sync. Sounds as close as a guy with one deaf ear can get.

Edited again: Whoops. That's the stereo version. You'll want to sample the mono version, now properly posted.

Friday, June 09, 2006

How NOT to steal a Sidekick

If you weren't aware of it yet, the 'Net has been ablaze with this story. Internet vigilantism at its very finest. Proof that you don't have to be smart to be a criminal. That, and don't f*&^ with computer nerds. They'll humiliate you on a WORLDWIDE scale.

Just a small amount of payback for getting beat up in gradeschool.

I Hate Computers

I moved to Apples for one major reason. They just work. What I hate is the fact that I, like all my customers, am just as prone to harddrive failure as the rest. And I, like my less knowledgable patrons, am reluctant to spend money on a resolute backup procedure.

And here I am, d*$# in my hand, 1 in the morning, staring at a dead PowerMac and cursing the light of day.

I hate harddrives. You'd think a harddrive that's SIX YEARS OLD would last another six.

That's sarcasm. I should've been smarter than that. I'm just thankful I didn't have anything of consequence on the machine. Makes me leary of this laptop harddrive. I'd probably pop a hole in my skull with a small caliber handgun should I lose this harddrive.

Which makes me think about the fact that I haven't backed up since Feb 16. Hmmm.

This is just to blow off some steam. If I don't deal with this tonight, it's going to be Monday before I can do anything with it again.

Night. I'll be up for a while.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I am the Mini Golf Champ!

I kept telling them I play too much Putt Putt on the computer and that I couldn't be beat! They just failed to heed my warning.

(Truth be known, had Erin not choked on the 17th hole, she would have smoked me by four. Instead, I pulled it out with a big win at the very last. Very Chiefs-esque.)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Mix Master

Well, I thought, since we're creating new life together, that I'd start with this:

...and see what I ended up with. The results are less than appealing, but so damn funny I had to post them.

First, the Jesus. Proof that I may, actually, be fathering the Anti Christ (Complete with beard):

or, even better, the Janene Garafelo look (complete with beard...just kidding...):

Enjoy these while they last; I suspect the moment Erin gets wind of these, they'll be coming down.