Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Bowled a 255 last night! Highest score ever. *dances*

Monday, March 28, 2005

I met The True Pope!

This guy is a Kansas.Net customer!

It's interesting to meet people like that, even if I'm not even a blip on the radar. You're seeing a piece of history in front of you, be it a weird, obscure part that no one talks about at the dinner table.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Great Weekend, Good Monday

Friday: Tax return and fat paycheck. Cha-ching! Had an excellent time with Carl, Ali, and the TOD crew. Bought a keg. Many drunken people. Goodness all around. Sleep at 6 AM.

Sat: Work at 10AM. Oi. Wired from weird energy. Worked all Saturday, was kind and patient, even with no sleep. Amazing. Work at PJ's at 6. Forgot it was St. Patty's Day celebrations. Ended up with over $100 in tips from 6-2AM. Had a good afterhours with Ali and peeps. Slept like a baby after that. Confirmed I was supposed to keep the key on my chain. Wow.

Sun: Went to Bob's for breakfast. Man. Was the nectar of the Gods. Got some sh*t taken care of. Ended up getting booted out of the house by an irrate stepmom. She's just acting out in anger, and all I can do is my best to stay out of the way. I'm going to take care of me, but I'm not going to put up with being run over because she can. I'm not happy about the situation, but it's not my mess to clean up. Ended up realizing I was supposed to open PJ's. At 5:30. When I was supposed to be there at 5. Doh. Had a lazy evening at work. Went to Wal-Mart after work and spent the better half of my paycheck on groceries and necessities. Had the best frozen pizza I've had in a while. Mmm, Totinos.

Mon: Work, got caught up, talked to Tom Abbott, got a REALLY good deal on a storage unit, will be getting use of the moving van that Tom has FOR FREE, and a hell of a deal on the monthly cost, plus no deposit. Going to pack up and move a lot of crap, eat some Kraut and Sausage, pack some more, and then over to Ali's. Visit the cats and maybe stop into to PJ's and see if I can talk James or someone into covering for me Wednesday and Sat. That'll allow me to get down to Tejas for some family time this weekend.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

G. Rio & Da Funk


Last night I started working on some more G. Rio & Da Funk stuff, and I think I've got some funny sh*t to work with.

With songs like:

I Cuss in My Rap... Kinda...
Drop it Like Prison Soap

I think I'll have a career in... bartending... *grin*

Working today, checkin' on the cat, workin' tonight, and then probably after-hours at TOD. It's gonna be a long one. Still need to find a couch to surf for a while. Sh*t. That reminds me, I need to call storage companies and get this taken care of.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Moving Plans & Ramblings

Thinking of asking some friends about couch-surfing and throwing all my stuff into storage for right now just to get clear of the homestead. I'm going to update this post more in a moment. Just mulling ideas on what turned into a great Monday evening.

I've also realized that I've forgotten my goals, and I need to refocus.

And I hate that I'm missing that which I was happy to be done with. How the Hell does that work?
I want to be done with that and all I can think about is that. What sense does that make?

Jesus 7, here I come. In full force.

Moving here

Well, I spent what? 3 weeks on Xanga before bailing out to here?

I have to get away from Xanga and the tempation to read certain people's blogs. If I'm not even on the site, the temptation will be less to just click and look. What I read might freak me out, and it probably shouldn't, but you know, it probably would.

I hate that. That's why getting away from it should make it easier. So ultimately, welcome Xangans!

Besides, Blogger is run by Google. I'll rest my information in Google's hand without a worry. Maybe that's bad, but it's the Corporation We Love to Love.

Enough for now.