Wednesday, April 27, 2005

So many updates, so little Astroglide

First, the motorcycle runs. Getting it insured and tagged today. $75 for
insurance for the year, and who knows how much for tags. Hopefully not too

Secondly, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy debuts Friday. BRING IT ON.

A motorcycle ride to Cassoday early Sunday with the Pops and Mike from
bowling. Apparently it's a first Sunday of the month ordeal. We'll see how
this one goes.

Saturday, early morning work to get Mary packed up and moved. C'est la Vie.

Ali's cat apparently has some serious health problems, but won't know more
until tomorrow. Everyone pull for her and Reese.

Tonight's bowling and probably a bit of craziness. I suspect copious amount
of imbibed liquid confidence is on order.

Until next time, Robin! Same Bat channel, same Bat time!

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